Former MSc student Fernando Ferreira (class of 2008/09) publishes in Development!
See more here.
MSc students participate in the Curie/UPMC course in Paris
MSc students from the class of 2015/16 participate in the 7th International Developmental Biology Course (Institut Curie/UPMC) in Paris.

Alexandra Vargas, José Marques, Macarena Portillo and José Leitão
Vitor Faria and Tânia Paulo publish in PLoS Genetics
Joana Esteves de Lima publishes in Elife
Marta Figueiredo and Ana Sofia Santos publish in Dev Biol
ARTDEVO – the hidden beauty of the embryo
Congratulations to the four former and current students of the MSc in Evolutionary and Developmental Biology who’s images were selected for the ARTDEVO photographic exhibition, organized by SPBD and presently on display in Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, in Lisbon.
Tomás Pais de Azevedo (class of 2007/2008)
Rita Aires (class of 2007/2008)
André Gonçalves (class of 2009/2010)
Dalila Silva (class of 2014/2015)
And special congratulations to Tomás Pais de Azevedo who was awarded the 2nd prize by the jury!
Ana Rita Aires publishes in Developmental Cell
Former MSc student Ana Rita Aires (class of 2007/08), who just finished her PhD in the lab of Moises Mallo, publishes in Developmental Cell!
Neptune Evo-Devo Symposium in FCUL!
FCUL will host the Neptune Evo-Devo Symposium on 9-11 November 2016. This symposium is co-organized by former student Ana Patrícia Ramos (class of 2010/11). For more information, consult the symposium website.
Publication on Squalius alburnoides genomotypes
The Masters thesis work of Sara Carona (class of 2010/11) contributed to a publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B!
Review on Competition
Former MSc students Leonor Rodrigues and Salomé Clemente (both class of 2010/2011) are authors of a review article on Competition published in Trends of Ecology and Evolution!