Former MSc students, Tânia Paulo, Catarina Nunes and Ana Eugénio (class of 2013/14), organize the 25th European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology which will take place from 26 May to 1 June 2019 in Pedrogão Pequeno in Portugal!
Rita Aires publishes in Developmental Cell
Former Mestrado BED students talk about their work with high school students
André Gonçalves (class of 2009/10), André Dias (class of 2013/14), João E Carvalho (class of 2009/10) and Tomás Pais de Azevedo (class of 2007/08) talk to students from Escola Aurélio Santos in Porto about why they love working in Developmental Biology!
Mestrado BED is present in full force in Joint Meeting of SPBD | SEBD | SFBD
Alumni and current students of Mestrado BED (MSc in Evolutionary and Developmental Biology) mark a strong presence in the Joint Meeting of SPBD | SEBD | SFBD in Porto!
Rita Aires wins the SPBD Best PhD thesis prize for 2016/2017
Rita Aires (class of 2007/2008) wins the Best PhD thesis prize awarded by SPBD for 2016/2017. Congratulations Rita! More information.
João E Carvalho wins Best Poster Prize
João E Carvalho (class of 2009/10) wins the Best Poster Prize in the post-doc category in the Joint Meeting of SPBD, SEBD e SFBD in Porto. Congratulations João!!
European Researchers Night 2018
Students from the classes of 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2017/18 (Dalila Silva, Jorge Borbinha, José Marques, André Henriques and Pedro Santos), teach Developmental Biology in the name of SPBD at the European Researchers’ Night 2018!!

The SPBD team at ERN2018 (Sólveig Thorsteinsdóttir, Rita Gorgulho, José Marques, Jorge Borbinha, Dalila Silva, Diogo Castro, André Henriques and Pedro Santos)
Gonçalo Costa describes two new species of cicadas
Former MSc student Gonçalo Costa (class of 2014/15) describes two new species of cicadas and publishes in Zootaxa!
Joana Esteves de Lima co-authors article in Cell Reports
Former MSc student Joana Esteves de Lima (class of 2008/09) publishes in Cell Reports!